Rooney Bloom officially was born in 2015.  With the initial idea being generated in San Francisco, California he eventually started and launched his business in Denver, Colorado. Passionate about Earth's intriguing "greens," Rooney began his gardening and floral experience in early 2000 assisting in his mother and father's yard.

These lessons eventually led to personal garden care and maintenance at his home, and onto small "green" projects at neighbors, family and friends.  Living for a short time in California, Eric was greatly inspired by the variety of plants and flowers in the Bay Area of San Francisco and how all aspects of his life changed when we was around them and noticed them.   The feelings that first came with the fresh scents of these plants as well as their visual enlightenment is something Eric insists on sharing with others.  He stumbled upon the world of horticultural therapy, and thus continues down of sharing this with others today.

Previously a teacher in more formal settings, Rooney is passionate about teaching and instilling in others, the benefits plants bring to peoples physical and emotional bodies.