Online Education: Grades K-8


Online Education: Grades K-8


With over 10 years of teaching experience grades k-8, Grow by RooneyBloom presents: Flowers, Gardens, Plants… oh my!

Classes start each Saturday at 11 am Mountain Time and last 30 minutes. Upon purchase, a Zoom meeting invite will be sent.

Got seeds? Hop on the seed train for a journey in germination (growing a plant from seed). Objective: Your student will learn how to plant a seed and watch it grow from start to finish! We'll talk about everything from what a seed is, to how they are carried, to what makes them grow!

Take away: Students will be able to identify key aspects of growing plants from seeds, how we include seeds in our diets, and how to start a garden at home according to your conditions!

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Rooney Bloom Plant Education Courses for Kids